Posted in On Love, Poetry

Though I made my pledge to thee

By night I may my oath forfeit,

And let my gaze wander and rest

Upon an erstwhile love confessed

And lost! Where fate did not merit,


The joining of two fum’bling hands

That strove to fend off frowning eyes

The glare of which then loosened ties.

And though the mind does understand,


That plighted I my troth to thee,

And reigned in firm the searching eyes,

The aching heart the vows defies

That uttered I unwillingly.


Old love by night, thus I retrace,

When slumber stays thy weary lids.

And though it is thy lips I kiss,

I see another in thy place.


Archaic verse has always been my baby, and though traditional poetry seems to have a dwindling readership in the face of free verse and the rise of the spoken word, I can’t help but go old-school. Do leave your comments! Thank you 🙂